(By invitation only)
First Act(s) is a 4-part series featuring 8 plays-in-progress from a group of budding playwrights brought together by fate. These plays were born at the ‘Playwriting Workshop with Haresh Sharma’ (organised by the National Library Board, September – October 2018), and have now been taken to their next developmental step of rewrites and readings.
The plays will be publicly read to an invited audience for the first time, over 4 separate Guest Room sessions from March to July 2019:
Part 1, March 2019
Part 2, April 2019
Part 3, June 2019
Part 4, July 2019
First Act(s), Part 4 was developed under Centre 42's Guest Room (now known as the New Scripts Residency). Read about Guest Room here.
If Tomorrow Comes Again is a play about everyday relationships that define who we were, we are and will become.
Ivan has now attempted singing, acting, and writing in perhaps a desperate attempt to find meaning for his soul. He never thought he would act, let alone write – he is thankful and grateful.
Oliver Chong
Karen Tan, Lian Sutton, Zee Wong, Rei Poh, Vignesh Singh