New Scripts Garage, July 2024

Start date of Residency
July 2024
Masthead Image
Masthead Image
July 2024
Centre 42
Submit your script here!
Script Submission: 8 - 14 June 2024

The New Scripts Garage is an offer of dramaturgical support for new scripts, with low barriers to entry. On a regular basis, we open our inboxes for script submissions from playwrights seeking dramaturgical support for their work.

The first eight eligible scripts will receive considered dramaturgical support in the form of either a facilitated Script Circle, One-on-One Consults or Written Feedback.

Please note that this is not a presentational platform. This short-form programme is ideal for playwrights who have a script that they want to take forward to the next draft in the development process.

Scripts Supported

The eight eligible scripts for this cycle and the support they have received are:

1) Margie's dreams by Christine Chia
Selected for Script Circle

2) A is for Abstinence by Joy Lim
Receive 1-on-1 Consultation 

3) Rati Rahasya by Rajkumar Thiagaras
Receive 1-on-1 Consultation 

4) the purpose of heartache by Anj
Receive 1-on-1 Consultation 

5) Carrots, Peas and Corns by Jaisilan Sathisalan
Receive Written Feedback

6) To Whom It May Concern by Benedict Lim
Receive Written Feedback

7) White Moth by Mark Benedict Cheong
Receive Written Feedback

8) The Flood by Ian Skatu
Receive Written Feedback

Script Circle (22 Jul 2024)

Margie's Dreams by Christine Chia received a script cycle for this cycle of the New Scripts Garage. 

Facilitator Jo Tan began the session by introducing the background of the play, including the development it had gone through from being read at First Act(s) back in 2019 and to its current full-length version. Christine had since developed the play to flesh out the main character more, and was looking to receive feedback on the coherence, believability of characters and whether the play felt fully developed in all aspects. 

A group of people seated around three grey tables set in a U-shape.

Zelda Tatiana Ng was invited to play the main character Margie, and also supporting character Nat. Jo Tan played Margie's estranged daughter Mabel and other supporting female characters along with Joel Tan. Edward Choy played all the male characters including Tuck Wah, Margie's husband. Observers at the table were Chong Gua Khee, Juliet Chia, Sean Dunnington, and staff from C42. 

Three persons seated at a grey table reading off scripts in their hands.

Afterwards, a round of feedback was given for Christine to work on her next draft. The main areas of discussion were on how the play could be tightened dramatically and structured around a key journey that Christine wants to focus on for the characters. There were also suggestions on how the language that characters used could help to amplify the alienation that they might feel and draw out a more distinctive difference from one character to another in terms of class and background. 

A large group of people seated around four grey tables.

That wraps up the Script Circle, with much food for thought for Christine to continue working on her draft!

Selection Process & Criteria

A flowchart illustrating the sequence of events for the programme selection process.

The first eight eligible scripts received during the Open Call Submissions period will be handed over to the team of readers, made up of directors, playwrights, and dramaturgs, who will consider the submissions.

Based on the quality of the script, its stage of development, and the writer's needs as expressed in the application form, they will then recommend either a Script Circle or one-on-one dramaturgy consultation sessions.

The Script Circle will be organised by Centre 42, who will invite actors, writers, directors, and dramaturgs from a pool of artists we have been working closely with on this programme.

The scripts receiving one-on-one dramaturgy sessions will be scheduled directly with our dramaturgs, who will read the scripts and provide detailed feedback in discussion with the writer.

Scripts that are not allocated for the Script Circle or one-on-one dramaturgy sessions will receive written feedback consolidated from the reading team’s discussion. These playwrights and writers are welcome to submit subsequent drafts for future iterations of the New Scripts Garage.

This programme prioritises writer development over polish, and aims to get the writer excited to work on the next draft of their script, with a clearer sense of where to go.

Script Eligibility:

  • We accept completed drafts of full length plays (at least ~ 60 minutes) in English, or in other languages with translations provided in English. Future editions of the New Scripts Garage may specifically call for scripts in Malay, Tamil, or Chinese.
  • We are not accepting straight adaptations of other work (e.g. novels, films), but will accept adaptations with a clear creative, re-inventive, and/or radical approach. 
  • At this time, we are not accepting books for musicals, screenplays, or libretti. 


8 June (12pm) - 14 June 2024 (12pm):

  • Submission Box is open!  If you have a script you’d like to receive feedback on, complete this form and submit your script during this period.
  • Note that scripts are received on a first-come-first-served basis. The Submission Box will close after receiving the first 8 scripts.

18 June - 1 July 2024:

  • Selection and shortlisting process by reading team.

4 July 2024:

  • Applicants will be notified of results and/or feedback on scripts.
  • Playwrights whose scripts are selected for the Script Circle and 1-on-1 dramaturgical sessions will be contacted to prepare for their respective sessions.

22 July 2024:

  • Closed-door Script Circle will be conducted for the selected script in this New Scripts Garage cycle.

How to Apply

  • To help us understand how best to create a supportive environment for your work in this New Script Garage structure, we will require you to respond to these questions in an application form:
  1. Tell us something about the impulse for writing this play.
  2. If this play has undergone an earlier development process, please tell us a little bit about it.
  3. How do you feel about this draft as it currently stands?
  4. What are some questions about the draft (e.g. aspects of craft, theme, story etc) you would like our reading panel to focus on while reading? 
  5. What future work do you plan to do on this draft?
  • Complete this online application form between 8 - 14 June 2024. Do note that this will take approximately 20 minutes to complete.
  • We will only consider and accept one play per writer each cycle. If you had submitted multiple plays in this cycle, only the 1st submission will be considered as eligible.

Reading & Selection Team

The reading and selection of scripts will be conducted by a team of dramaturgs, directors and playwrights whom have been intently involved in the development of Centre 42's New Writing Development Programmes and are actively engaged in their practices with new writing development. 

Names of the team for the July 2024 cycle comprises: