Year in Review 2021 is presented by Centre 42, ArtsEquator and Channel NewsTheatre, in collaboration with Artwave Studio
Year in Review 2021 is presented by Centre 42, ArtsEquator and Channel NewsTheatre, in collaboration with Artwave Studio
To tune in to the live radio broadcast on 18 Dec from 12pm, simply join the Channel NewsTheatre Telegram.
To attend an in-person listening party at 42 Waterloo Street, please register as there are limited slots available!
Where did 2021 go? How did the year unravel, and where have we arrived at?
In a year where the arts has had to acquiesce to multiple rules, hopeful for a return to normalcy, 2021 had us hurtling through an unknown abyss of multiple emotions best captured through this year’s theme: JENG JENG JENG!
From anticipation, to tentative excitement, shock, surprise and even the indescribable, our beloved colloquialism JENG JENG JENG covers it all. Into its fifth iteration, this edition of Year In Review is an audio experience featuring live discussions, physical listening pods, song dedications and more!
[1] ON-AIR
From wherever you are, tune in to the live broadcast by joining the Channel NewsTheatre Telegram via
Join the listening party @ 42 Waterloo Street. Bring your tribe, or make new friends.
Spaces are limited at our ‘listening pods’ – we’re keeping them friendly but safe. Register here to secure your spot!
To help jog your memory of the past 12 months, we have released a timeline of local theatre productions and infographics on key trends and highlights in local theatre in 2021.
Year In Review 2021 is jointly presented by Centre 42, ArtsEquator and Channel NewsTheatre, in collaboration with Artwave Studio.