A touching and humorous biographical account of street opera performers. Revolves around the experiences of Madam OON AN CHIAM, who is one of the last surviving street wayang artistes in Singapore. Her childhood, set against the social and economic background of old Singapore, is brought back to life in vivid and intimate detail.
In the 60's, her performance as "Titoudao": a comic servant known for his great loyalty, resourcefulness and wit, gained her critical acclaim and popularity both in Singapore and Malaysia.
Titoudao is a poignant exploration of the state of traditional culture in modern Singapore. This multi-layered production questions and reaffirms the validity and values of the art form and challenges us with a difficult question - How might the revival of a dying art strengthen us in our search for a Singaporean identity, and our Singaporean soul?
Directed by: Goh Boon Teck
Nelson Chia Sin Chiat
Cindy Sim Sze-E
Katrona Tan Siew Hoon
Goh Siew Eng
Doreen Toh Kwee Kee
Margaret Pang Pong Quee
Matthew Chew Soon Thiam
(Source: Toy Factory Productions Brochure)