A dynamic and compelling work of physical theatre examining the kamikaze spirit. War is by no means something that starts overnight, but rather a very calculated preparation by political forces, The indoctrination of the glory of death and the brandishing of the rifle and sword from the corporeal expression of six actors reveals how humans can lose the sense of being Human.
The cast has already undergone two and a half years of full-time contemporary theatre training , including immersions in Noh theatre from Japan, Beijing Opera from China, Kutiyattan from India and Wayang Wong from Indonesia. Director Leela Alaniz from Brasil has taught them the corporeal mime techniques of Etienne Decroux and techniques derived from theatre anthropology. From these physical bases, this unique piece provides an entirely new dimension to language.
Leela Alaniz (Brasil)
TTRP’s 4th Cohort of graduating actor-students
Tam Ka Man Amy (Hong Kong)
Seng Soo Ming (Malaysia)
Sreejith Ramanan (India)
Sajeev Purushothama (India)
Alberto Ruiz Lopez (Mexico)
Zachary Ho Tze Siang (Singapore)
Creative Team
Lighting Designer: Andy Lim
Sound Designer: Varian Tan
Multimedia Designer: Herne Shahren Abdul Hamid
Multimedia Designer: Kamal Abdul Gafor
Production Team
Production Manager: Vivianti Zasman
Stage Manager: Kala Raman
Assistant Stage Manager: Yvette Ng
Costume Coordinator: Molizah Mohter
Light Operator: Guo Ningru
Sound Operator: Emanorwatty Saleh
Technical Co-ordinator: Herman Suparman
Technical Crew: Kamal Thapa
Technical Crew: Muchsin Salim
Technical Crew: Rosswira Ismail
(Source: Synopsis from Intercultural Theatre Institute Flyer and Credits from Intercultural Theatre Institute Programme)