“Master said… in our world, there are two levels: one that is above us, where the gods and deities, heroes and emperors roam. The other is the level below, where we are. All that the audience pays and wants to see is right above our heads. They are not interested in what goes on below.”
Turn By Turn We Turn is a sweeping epic about the lives and fates of members in a traditional chinese hand puppetry troupe from 1920s China to the present day. Holding steadfastly to their craft, traditions, beliefs and one another in the face of civil and world wars, political strife, changing times and tastes, the puppeteers survive one ordeal after another, testing their mettle and resolve to perform, entertain and preserve the lineage of puppetry.
Director/Playwright/Set Designer: Chong Tze Chien
Assistant Stage Manager/Surtitles Operator: Choo Min Min
Production/Stage Manager: Ng Hui Ling
Sound Artist: Darren Ng
Lighting Designer: Lim Woan Wen
Puppetry Consultants: Li Bo Fen, Li Yi Hsin
Ong Kian Sin
Tan Wan Sze
Jo Kwek
Goh Guat Kian
Tan Beng Tian
Andrew Lua
Ang Hui Bin
Ian Loy
(Source: The Finger Players Website)