18 July 2016 – 22 July 2016 @ Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay


An adaptation of the 2015 M1-The Straits Times Life! Theatre Awards nominee for Best Original Script, #UnicornMoment explores the important moments that shape an individual’s life.

In #UnicornMoment, Shu An questions herself on the relationships she has with the people around her and the things that give meaning to her life. She delves into her past through a series of interviews, to learn from mistakes and to find flashes of clarity and insight that swiftly disappear—or, as she terms them, “unicorn moments”.

Shu An’s search for human connection ultimately leads to the realisation that to understand the experiences and struggles of those around her, she has to accept her own experiences first. This newfound awareness becomes the key in her journey of discovery.

Presented as part of Esplanade’s Feed Your Imagination (F.Y.I) 2016, #UnicornMoment propelled students to discover the importance of self-worth and reflect on what personal identity means to them.

Playwright: Oon Shu An
Director: Shiv Tandan

Actor: Zee Wong

Set Designer: Andy Lim | Artfactory
Lighting Designer: Petrina Dawn Tan
Video and Sound Design: Shiv Tandan
Illustrator: Clarilyn Khoo

Production Stage Manager: Neo Hui Jun
Producers: Claire Wong, Huzir Sulaiman

(Source: Checkpoint Theatre Website)

other stagings


Oon Shu An
Shiv Tandan
Director, Video Designer, Sound Designer
Andy Lim
Set Designer
Petrina Dawn Tan
Lighting Designer
Clarilyn Khoo
Neo Hui Jun
Production Stage Manager
Claire Wong


This is My Family: New Singapore Plays Volume 2
This is My Family: New Singapore Plays Volume 2 features six plays which were either produced or mentored by Checkpoint Theatre, and showcases vital artistic responses to the increasingly diversified notions of family.  These plays examine with care, intelligence and honesty the joys and the pains of family: the papered-over cracks of a twenty-year marriage, the enduring ties between a parent and a child, the forging of bonds between those not bound by blood.  This anthology of acclaime
Lucas Ho, Luke Vijay Somasundram, Faith Ng, Leonard Augustine Choo, Oon Shu An, Joel Tan, Claire Wong, Noorlinah Mohamed
Published: 2014