“Regardless of race, language, religion or… place of birth?”
Is the Singapore identity under threat? Currently, one out of every four Singapore residents was born outside of the country. According to the controversial Population White Paper, by 2030 the number of residents on the island is projected to hit 6.9 million, with 55% born in Singapore. The influx of immigrants and foreign workers has resulted in a rising tide of anti-foreigner sentiments. They have been blamed for overcrowding on public transport, escalating property prices and wage depression.
There are concerns that some of them are forming their own separate enclaves and have yet to be seamlessly integrated into Singaporean society. There are worries that they might form a docile and grateful vote bank in future elections. With testimonies assembled from a series of interviews, Cook a Pot of Curry dives headlong into these red-hot issues.
Rishi Budhrani
Nelson Chia
Noorlinah Mohamed
Neo Swee Lin
Najib Soiman
Judee Tan
Production Credits
Playwright: Alfian Sa’at
Director: Glen Goei
Set Designer: Wong Chee Wai
Lighting Designer: Adrian Tan
Assistant Lighting Designer: Petrina Tan
Sound Designer: The Gunnery - Azmi Jaffar, Paul Searles, Ben Rosen
Multimedia Artist: Koo Chia Meng
Multimedia Assistant: Nelson Yeo
Production Graphic Designer: Samuel Woo
Photo Curator: Andrew Ng
Alston Marcel Gaspar
Weixiang Lim
Lim Yaohui
Matt Tan
Jimmy Sng
Preeti Varma
Choreographer: Khek Ah Hock Aaron
Hair Designer: Ashley Lim
Makeup Designer: Beno Lim (M.A.C)
Costume Coordinator / Wardrobe Manager: Theresa Chan
Producer: Tony Trickett
Production Manager: Leong Mun Hoi
Production Executive: Sazali Hussain
Production Coordinator: Phua Yun Yun
Technical Manager: Tay Huey Meng
Assistant Technical Manager: Ng Wei Ling
Stage Manager: Chong Wee Wee
Stage Assistants: Ramlan Arabin, Khairihazwan Ramlan
Lighting Operator: Ian Tan
Follow Spot Operators: Nur Maghfirah Bte Baithullah, Jessy Choo, Haresh Chandra Segaram, Jonathan Yeo
Projection Operators: Nurul Natasha Bte Hami Noordin, Ted Kueo, Daryl Low
Wardrobe Assistant: Audrey Tang
Hair Assistants: Jane Neo, Michelle Wai
(Source: Wild Rice Programme)