19 March 2023 – 26 March 2023 @ Geylang East Public Library


An Artist considers her mortality, what her art has given her and what she will leave behind. She engages a documentary filmmaker to create what she considers to be her final legacy, but is stumped when her iron strong opinions perspectives are being challenged by him, and a robot.

Presented by The Finger Players and supported by the Qualcomm Foundation, The Ageing Artist is a puppetry performance that weaves together elements of STEM. Targeted at families, this piece is about the meaning and purpose of art creation within the Singapore landscape.

This two-part programme includes a post-performance workshop, providing an opportunity for members of the community to be exposed to The Finger Players’ signature puppetry forms.

Playwright: Ellison Tan
Director: Liew Jia Yi
Set Designer: Bernice Ong
Lighting Designer: Liu Yong Huay
Puppet Designer & Props Master: Loo An Ni
Composer: Phang Kok Jun
Cello Solos: Chee Junsian
Production Engineer: Lee Yew Jin (Ctrl Fre@k)
Costume Coordinator: Ng Siaw Hui

Performers/Puppeteers and Post-show Facilitators: Chng Xin Xuan, Farez Najid, Jo Kwek

Production Manager: Alethea Koh
Stage Manager: Ng Siaw Hui
Rehearsal Stage Manager: Chong Wee Nee
Assistant Stage Manager: Nurul Hanna
Sound Operator: Jean Yap
Lighting Operator: Ramizah Binte Rashida
Technical Crew: Zamier A Bakar and Nur Aliff bin Osman

(Source: The Finger Players Website)


Ellison Tan
Liew Jia Yi
Bernice Ong
Set Designer
Liu Yong Huay
Lighting Designer
Loo An Ni
Puppet Designer, Props Master
Chee Junsian
Lee Yew Jin (Ctrl Fre@k)
Production Engineer


The Ageing Artist (2023), Poster
Poster for The Ageing Artist (2023).
The Finger Players
Recorded: 19 March 2023