Step into the surreal world of Boom, where civil servants wake the dead, corpses are terrified of cremation, mothers are besieged in their homes, and Ah Bengs still dream of being Superman. Boom tells the story of a woman and her property agent son, who are at loggerheads over the potential en bloc sale of their home. Their destinies become interwoven with that of an idealistic civil servant, Jeremiah, who is facing the greatest challenge of his career—persuading a reluctant corpse to yield its memories.
Join us for a quirky yet poignant tale about the relocation of both dead and living, how personal stories get left behind in the inexorable march of progress and to imagine theatre with us in the eclectic space of Projector X: Riverside Point (which used to be a Thai nightclub!)
Written by: Jean Tay
Directed by: Lim Shien Hian
Starring: Adeeb Fazah, Jorgan Ong, Sharon Mah
Production Managed by: Jasmine Liu
Produced by: Pearlyn Tay, Theo Chen
Promotional Photography by: Jeremy Ho
Sound Design by: Bryan Leong
Publicity Support by: Rei-En
(Source: A Mirage)