Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress (2017)

8 August 2017 – 27 August 2017 @ Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay


Singapore Repertory Theatre and Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay, invite you to join us for the restaging of the most successful original musical ever to be produced in Singapore – Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress. Following three sold-out runs and over 100,000 tickets sold, this epic musical promises to be the cultural event of the year.

The musical stars Kit Chan as the Empress Dowager Cixi, with Cheryl Tan as the young imperial concubine, Yehenara, and features music by Cultural Medallion winner, Dick Lee. The cast will also include West End star Earl Carpenter (Les Misérables) and Broadway star Stephanie Leigh (Mary Poppins) as well as Singapore’s very own Sebastian Tan (Broadway Beng).

Two of the greatest icons of China’s ancient history come to life before your eyes in a spectacular musical of epic proportions. Come step into the cloaked world of the Forbidden City and the legendary Empress Dowager Cixi. You’ll be mesmerized by this soulful tale of dark secrets, whispered rumours, love, betrayal and power. Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empressexplodes on stage with stunning sets, costumes and the ever-haunting question of the truth.

What really happened in the Forbidden City over a century ago?  Who was the real Dowager Empress? The Dragon Lady of myth? Or a misunderstood victim of circumstance?

Experience Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress…then you decide.

Earl Carpenter
Kit Chan
Benjamin Chow
Edward Choy
Sheila Francisco
Juni Goh
Dwayne Lau
Steffanie Leigh
Bright Ong
Cheryl Tan
Dwayne Tan
Sebastian Tan
Tan Shou Chen

Tanya Ang
Gordon Choy
Peps Goh
Benjamin Harris
Benedict Hew
Xavier Kang
Abby Lai
Ann Lek
Leslie Leow
Alyssa Lie
Tan Rui Shan
Millicent Wong
Natalie Yeap

Young Emperors:
Gratus Aw
Emiliano Cyrus
Kevin Huang
Matthew Loo
Neo Le Yang
Aloysius Sin
Ryan Tan
Ryan Wiluan

Music: Dick Lee
Book: Stephen Clark, Dick Lee
Lyrics: Stephen Clark
Idea Development: Stephen Clark, Dick Lee, Steven Dexter
Director: Steven Dexter

Music Director: Joel Nah
Music Consultant: Sydney Tan
Music Arranger: Bang Wenfu
Choreographer: Nick Winston
Original Staging: George Chan

Set Designer: Francis O'Connor
Costume Designer: Yang Derong
Original Lighting Designer: Chris Ellis
Lighting Designer: Rick Fisher
Sound Designer: Mike Walker

Vocal Coach: Wendy Tan
Associate Choreographer: Seong Hui Xian
Fight Choreographer: Gordon Choy

Hair & Accessories Designer: Ashley Lim
Makeup Designer: The Make Up Room

(Source: Singapore Repertory Theatre Website)

other stagings


Earl Carpenter
Steffanie Leigh


Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress (2017), Review
Forbidden City This is the fourth time the Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT) and Esplanade are staging Forbidden City, a local musical with music and lyrics by Dick Lee and Stephen Clark. This is also the third time I’ve seen the production, and am heartened to have seen it evolve through the times. Sheila Francisco and Kit Chan reprise their roles as the Empress Dowager at two different stages of her life. This year, Cheryl Tan also joins the duo and plays the younger Yehenara. To be honest, I e
Selina Chong
Reviewed: 12 August 2017
Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress (2017), Review
两只眼睛看慈禧 慈禧太后(1835 – 1908)是中国近代史上颇具争议的人物,实际掌权时间可达四十七年之久(1861 – 1908),一生留下许多待解之谜,深得东西方史学家和各类文艺作品的强烈兴趣。慈禧一生跌宕起伏,身处内忧外乱的末代皇室,又逢新旧世界秩序交替,东西方文化冲撞,国际局势风起云涌,故仅以一部长度为两至三小时的歌剧来塑造其形象注定不易,且难面面俱到。 <Forbidden City – Portrait of an Empress>基于历史真实存在的美国女画家Katherine Carl (1865 – 1938)为慈禧太后画像一事(1903-1904,历时9个月),并参考Katherine Carl相关回忆录《With the Empress Dowager of China》(1906年出版)创作而成。该剧首演于2002年,十六年间多次重演,无缘观看,故不作比较,仅以2107年版本做讨论。 本剧虽然没有对慈禧本身及大历史提出更新颖的理解和诠释,但在塑造人物形象方面还是比较成功地完成了高难度挑战。深究其成功的原因,可谓该剧的视角选择比较精巧,兼顾了中国历史背景和西
Liu Chang
Reviewed: 13 August 2017