2005 – 2005 @ The Dance Studio, The Substation


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Playwright, Director & Performer: Verena Tay

Stage Manager: Foo Kok Lim
Sound Designer: Stephanie Kwok
Sound Operator: Audrey Wong
Technical Coordinator: Anand V. Pillai

(Source: The Flying Inkpot Website)


Verena Tay
Playwright, Director, Performer
Foo Kok Lim
Stage Manager
Stephanie Kwok
Sound Designer
Audrey Wong
Sound Operator
Anand V Pillai
Technical Coordinator


Still Flight and 3 Women (2005), Review
What It Feels Like For a Girl These are stories that are worth telling and are being told reasonably well, but more importantly they are being told with a lot of heart and sensitivity, which is what matters most in intimate productions of this nature. The Substation ran a series of intimate performances at the Substation Dance Studio over a week in June. These were low-key affairs with admission by donation and, as the programme says, were "simple, spare, physically based productions". Both S
Kenneth Kwok
Reviewed: 23 June 2005