31 October 2014 – 14 December 2014 @ DBS Arts Centre


"I'm Santa's only son. I'm supposed to take over and I don't even understand how Christmas magic works!"

Junior Claus is the rebellious heir to an immense empire in the North Pole, where elves busily prepare for the biggest day of the year - Christmas. When Santa falls into a deep sleep because the Belief-o-Meter falls to a dangerously low level, Grumpo the greedy elf assumes power as Chief Investor in Santa's workshop. After Junior runs away from home, Grumpo attempts to achieve his sinister goal: ruin the Yuletide season forever.

Will Junior return home to save Santa? Can he rekindle the Christmas spirit? Join Junior and his friends, Chipper the elf and Pengy the penguin, as they race against time to bring Christmas back.

Writer: Christopher Dimond
Composer: Michael Kooman
Director: Kate Golledge
Choreographer: Ashley Nottingham
Music Director: Joanne Ho
Music Arranger: Madeleine Tan - Red Roof Records

Production Designer: Diego Pitarch
Lighting Designer: James Tan
Sound Designer: Marco Curcio - Ctrl Fre@k

Cast & Understudies:
Dwayne Tan
Benjamin Chow
Candice de Rozario
Seong Hui Xuan
Timothy Wan
Cheryl Tan
Benedict Hew (Understudies)
Cassandra Spykerman (Understudies)

Music Production: Bryan Tay - Red Rodd Records
Video Production: Tapio Snellman
Wigs: Ashley Lim
Stage Manager: Sunitha Nayar
Assistant Stage Managers: Sandhya Silva, Tara M S Netto

Props Master: Chan Lee Lee
Costume Coordinator: Yvette Ng
Sound Operator: Elim Lew
Light Board Operator: Alethea Koh

(Source: Singapore Repertory Theatre Programme)


Christopher Dimond
Michael Kooman
Kate Golledge
Ashley Nottingham
Joanne Ho
Music Director
Madeleine Tan
Music Arranger
Diego Pitarch
Production Designer
James Tan
Lighting Designer


Junior Claus (2014), Programme
Programme for Junior Claus (2014).
Singapore Repertory Theatre
Recorded: 31 October 2014