Over the last few years, the more I get to know about Kunqu and its artists, the more I see its resemblance to Zheng He and his plight. The body of the Kunqu artist has survived the past 600 years - every expression, gesture and movement - they made up its form, which is also its content. However, the traditional artists inherited this craft from their forebears, through a very strict and controlled training which can be somewhat cruel - "Don't ask, just do it ten thousand times and it'll come."...
... Perhaps this is our inescapable destiny of being the "Descendants of the Eunuch Admiral".
Director: Liu Xiaoyi
Cast: Okorn-Kuo Jing Hong, Liu Xiao Yun (China)
Sound Designer: Ng Jing
Lighting Designer: Genevieve Peck
Producer: Karene Teo
Production Manager: Celestine Wong (Ctrl Fre@k)
Stage Manager: Eng Sze Kee
Assistant Stage Manager: Hung Chit Wah Felix
Surtitles Operator: Li Ziqian
(Source: The Theatre Practice Programme)