Welcome to Singapore's premier annual arts event – the Singapore Arts Festival. This year it returns with a whole new programme of exciting works featuring the best from Singapore, Asia and the world.
To many people, the Festival is becoming synonymous with the contemporary and the cutting edge, while indeed it also caters to a wide range of tastes of its audiences, including classical programmes.
This year, the Festival will feature 8 Asian and 4 World Premiers. In all, the core programme will have 24 productions featuring artists from 21 countries and regions in a three week period. As in previous years, there will be free performances under the outreach components of the Festival. So look out also for Special Events, Arts on the Move, Weekend Highlights and the Closing Celebrations.
On behalf of the National Arts Council, I would like to thank our numerous sponsors and contributors who have so generously supported the Festival and help make it possible. Your support is particularly appreciated in the current economic situation.
Finally, have a wonderful time at the Festival. Be bitten by the Arts Bug and catch the cultural virus in the process!
– Liu Thai Ker (National Arts Council Chairman)
(Source: National Arts Council Programme)